Indian Railways came up with the new feature called Destination alert for their is hard to predict exact train timing.Sometimes train may be reached early or delay.Many Android applications are coming to work on this.but those application needs internet service to work exactly. Still in some cities and villages don;t have proper mobile signals.And it is hard to provide city outsides.because of this reasons only Indian railways started service called Destination wake up is so useful for passengers who are reaching their destination at night time.
How to Set (DWC)Destination WakeUp call
it is very simple and easy process.DWC(Destination Wakeup Call) works with cellular signals.First, we need to register for the wake-up call by any below process.(i) SMS alert {PNR number} send to 139
(ii) dial 139 from your mobile and select your 7th option from IVRS menu and choose 2nd for destination alert.enter your 10 digit PNR number and press 1 to confirm.
Standard mobile service charges may apply. Rs.1.30 /min and Rs.3 /SMS.
How to Set (WA)Wake-up Alarm
if you want to wake up at the particular station then go for a wake-up alarm.this is also very simple.just provide your are STD code and get your alarm exactly 30min before reaching the station.dial number 139 from your mobile which you want to get alarmed.
choose your language preference and select 7th IVRS option from the menu and choose one for wake-up alarm.
enter your 10 digit PNR number which is printed on your ticket and press 1 to confirm.
enter your area STD code which you want to active wake-up can contact executive with pressing * symbol on the keypad.
Indian Railways
Train Tickets