Everyday lakhs of people comes to Tirumala to get darshan of Lord Sri Venkateswara.there is two ways to reach from Tirupati to tirumala.one is on foot another one is by Vehicle.but most of the young people prefer to reach Tirumala by walk only.Many minds get confused before going to choose footpath way of tirumala.there are two pathways for Tirumala.
PathWays to Reach Tirumala
- Allipiri footpath
- Srivaari footpath
Srivaari Footpath: As stories says that this way was used by Lord Venkateswara to reach his wife Goddess Alivelu Mangathayaru at the time of Yekantha Seva.in olden days this forest route was very dangerous with wild animals and snakes.Later TTD developed this footpath with steps and arranged all facilities to the devotees.However, still people afraid to approach by this way because of having fewer services when compared with Allipiri footpath.
Number of Steps:2388
Distance: 18 km
Average time to Reach: 1.5-2 Hours
Darshan Tokens: 1200th Step
Allipiri Footpath: This is most of the devotee's preferred footpath way to reach Tirumala.This route is well developed by the board of TTD.this route is developed beside of ghat road.So transportation, ambulance, and water, etc. facilities are available with easily.this is also the behind reason for people preferring footpath.
Average time to Reach: 1.5-2 Hours
Number of Steps:3550
Distance: 9 km
Average time to Reach: 3-4 Hours
Darshan Tokens: Gali Gopuram Entrance