Wednesday, March 01, 2017

special darshan process for child below 1 year in Tirumala

Tirumala Tirupati Devastanam (TTD) Newly Introduced Special Darshan for parents who came along with their below the 1-year-old child.
This is the separate queue line without any push pulls between devotees. This darshan will be available between 08:30 am to 10:00 am and 12:00 pm to 06:00 pm only and also this darshan not available during any Seva time(like Kalyanostavam, Deepalankarana Seva).this darshan available at Supadham entrance.This darshan is completely free for the child and his/her parents.

supadham entrance for infant darshan

supadham entrance tirumala

special darshan process for child below 1-year-old

  • Parents should carry any of one government issue identity card or any birth proof of child to confirm their age.
  • Parents only allowed along with the child.Other than parents like Relatives or guardians are not allowed for this darshan.
  • Child siblings like own brothers or own sisters are allowed for darshan along with parents.
  • There is no ticket required to avail this darshan.this is free of cost for child and infant parents.
  • Special entry darshan for a 1-year-old child is called as infant darshan.This darshan will be avail at the supadham entrance. 
  • supadham entrance is nearly 100-150 feets ways from vaikuntam queue complex.
  • there is no waiting time in the compartment for infant darshan through supadham.
  • dress code is compulsory.for men Pancha/dhoti/kurta-pajama are allowed.for women, saree/half saree/Panjabi dress are allowed

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  1. 1 year 1 month baby Will be allowed far this dharsan

    1. No, should be under 1 year old.

  2. May 16 we planned to come with our 11 month baby. what is the procedure?

  3. Sir our baby is 1year 15 days does we allow for this darshan

  4. This darshan available in all Saturdays.

  5. Sir my child is 18 months old,we have planned for September last week darshan and Saturday plan,what's the special quee & how to get the tickets because I don't knw Telugu please give about the info .thank u.

  6. what if baby is at tirumala exactly on his first birthday?

  7. Sir this service available all day?

  8. Sir how to apply in this dharshanam my babe 9 months only

  9. what if baby is at tirumala exactly on his first birthday?

  10. I want to do dharshanam on 1st birthday. Is it possible.
    Please answer AS SOON AS POSSIBLE...
