Tirumala Ghat Road has a minimum time limit to reach up hills of Tirumala.travel time of every vehicle will be noted at the start, Endpoints of Tirumala ghat road.Every vehicle driver should get register their entry time and vehicle number at the start point of ghat road.Follow below timings and rules to travel on Tirumala Ghat road.
Ghat Road Travel Time Limit to Tirumala
- Distance from Tirupati Bus Station to Tirumala:22 Km.
- Travel Time from Allipiri Entrance to Tirumala should be minimum 35 Minutes.
- From Tirumala to Tirupati Ghat road journey should be 40 minutes or more.
- If any vehicle reaches Before the minimum time limit, That vehicle will be banned for 3 days to travel on that ghat road.
- Tirupati Ghat road will remain closed until morning from 12:00 to 3:30 AM.
- Both Tirumala to Tirupati, Tirupati to Tirumala ghat ways are different.there is an only one emergency connecting point at near Mokalamitta.