Saturday, May 06, 2017

Free Luggage Lockers in Tirumala Tirupati

Tirumala free luggage counters

It is not so easy to book a room in Tirumala Tirupati.mostly in the festival and special Seva times; All the rooms filled before two months itself.So at that times, the only option is taking a luggage locker.pilgrim can deposit all their belonging and luggage safely in lockers.These amenities buildings are call as  PAC (pilgrim amenities center). There are two PAC's are there in Tirumala.

 PAC-I situated beside Central reception office (C.R.O) Tirumala.Also, PAC-II  located on the way to NGC cottage road.pilgrims are not allowed to carry any electronic gadgets in temple premises.they can place any authorized materials and electronic devices such as cameras and mobiles phones, etc. in lockers.pilgrims can lock allocated locker with their lock.Pilgrim can do bath and fresh-up activities at any PAC, Tirumala.

Important Notes For Pilgrims 
  • Pilgrims should pay Rs.500 as a deposit for taking locker at any PAC, Tirumala.depost money will be refunded back once you give back locker keys back.
  • Electronic gadgets are not allowed inside the temple.Pilgrims can use their locker to keep any electronic devices.
  • Few other facilities are also available at PACs.devotees hair offer can also be done here.Also, can take a bath and other fresh-up Activities.
  • Lockers are allocated at only PAC only.Not available in online or any third parties.

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